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04/06/23: Eagle Resolve 23

U.S. Central Command and the Saudi Armed Forces conduct a multilateral exercise between the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). This exercise is designed to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to GCC partners, and regional security and stability.

More information:

Eagle Resolve 23 (ER23) is conducted bi-annually with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations to exercise and develop a GCC and U.S. Combined Joint Task force (CJTF) capable of linking multiple agencies to build and develop a regional approach for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) to protect population and infrastructures.

Exercise objectives include developing coordination and cooperation processes between military governmental organizations to implement crisis management initiatives; enhance and synchronize military cooperation between Partner Nation armed forces to address a regional crisis; develop command, control and communications systems in a multi-service and international environment; and plan to deliver military support for government ministries and institutions.

The MARTAC T-38 Devil Ray unmanned surface vessel in the Arabian Gulf participated fully in the exercise.

The slideshow below provides some views of its participation and of manned ships involved in the exercise as well.

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