Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες: https://www.esc.guide/dok-ing
The MV-2 is designed and developed as an answer to continuously developing threats, in both humanitarian and combat environments. Based on extensive experience and study of DOK-ING partners’ needs worldwide, its features merge small dimensions, great power and maneuverability which makes MV-2 a perfect system for use in harsh terrains with difficult access.
The MV-4 is one of the world’s best renowned light category mine clearance and EOD robotic systems. Its low profile and robust structure makes it resistant to all AP mines detonations and UXOs of similar intensity. It can also sustains AT mine explosions. MV-4 is the only mine clearance and EOD robotic system in its category that has proved its efficiency in real combat environment.
The MV-10 is the only robotic system in the world with double tool: front-positioned flail tool followed by a rear tiller. It is the only demining system in its class that has been verified in the real combat situation. Furthermore, due to its high engine power and supreme explosion resistance, the MV-10 presents the strongest system in its category.